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service units - gauges - control technology> Test couplings M 16 x 2 - M 16 x 1.5 - push in fitting
Test couplings M 16 x 2 - M 16 x 1.5 - push in fitting
Measuring hoses with push in fittings, PN 400
¥102.31999969482422 ~ ¥311.44000244140625
Adapters for test couplings / pressure gauges, PN 630
¥111.91999816894531 ~ ¥1055.6800537109375
Test couplings M 16 x 2 straight screw connection, up to PN 630
¥206.63999938964844 ~ ¥7016.9599609375
Adapters for test couplings / pressure gauges, PN 630
¥121.5999984741211 ~ ¥332.79998779296875
Test couplings with push in fittings straight screw connection, up to PN 400
¥182.24000549316406 ~ ¥567.0399780273438
Test couplings M 16 x 2 screw coupling with male thread, up to PN 630
¥97.76000213623047 ~ ¥1273.9200439453125
Adapters for test couplings / hose connectors, PN 630
¥112.4800033569336 ~ ¥216.16000366210938
Test couplings M 16 x 2 with pipe nozzle, up to PN 630
¥122.87999725341797 ~ ¥122.87999725341797
Test couplings M 16 x 1.5 straight screw connection, up to PN 630
¥242.16000366210938 ~ ¥786.8800048828125
Test couplings with push in fittings and male thread, PN 400
¥87.5199966430664 ~ ¥261.20001220703125
Adapters for test couplings with push in fitting, PN 400
¥167.27999877929688 ~ ¥265.6000061035156
Measuring hoses M 16 x 1.5, PN 630
¥174.72000122070312 ~ ¥350.6400146484375
Test couplings M 16 x 1.5 screw coupling with HD screw connection, up to PN 630
¥185.27999877929688 ~ ¥552.0
Tube connector for test couplings, PN 630
¥111.27999877929688 ~ ¥111.27999877929688
Test couplings M 16 x 1.5 screw coupling with male thread, up to PN 630
¥95.19999694824219 ~ ¥207.75999450683594
Test equipment case with two pressure gauges and accessories
¥0.0 ~ ¥0.0
Test couplings M 16 x 2 screw coupling with HD screw connection, up to PN 630
¥135.75999450683594 ~ ¥3299.840087890625
Measuring hoses M 16 x 2, up to PN 630
¥131.0399932861328 ~ ¥834.7999877929688
Test couplings with push in fittings and pipe nozzles, PN 315/400
¥133.83999633789062 ~ ¥172.47999572753906
Test couplings with push in fittings and HD screw connections, up to PN 400
¥162.39999389648438 ~ ¥579.52001953125
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