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序號 產品編號 名稱 Weight Thread brass sieve bowl Usage Version 售價 訂購數量
1.0 D 06 FA 1A 140g / pc. TR 65 x 2 for thread R 1" (to 1991) - R 11/4" (to 1996) Valve replacement kit ¥570.48
2.0 SM 06 T 1B 310g / pc. TR 55 x 2 für Gewinde R 1" - R 11/4" Brass sieve bowl Brass ¥406.32
3.0 SK 06 T 11/2 145g / pc. TR 75 x 2 for thread R 1 1/2" - R 2" Brass sieve bowl transparent ¥210.80
4.0 SM 06 T 1/2 175g / pc. TR 45 x 2 for thread R 1/2" - R 3/4" Brass sieve bowl Brass ¥238.64
5.0 SK 06 T1B 48g / pc. TR 55 x 2 für Gewinde R 1" - R 11/4" Brass sieve bowl transparent ¥149.36
6.0 ES 06 F 1A 17g / pc. TR 65 x 2 for thread R 1" (to 1991) - R 11/4" (to 1996) Replacement filter 1.4301 ¥125.84
7.0 ES 06 F 11/2 A 26g / pc. TR 75 x 2 for thread R 1 1/2" - R 2" Replacement filter 1.4301 ¥161.60
8.0 SM 06 T 1A 500g / pc. TR 65 x 2 for thread R 1" (to 1991) - R 11/4" (to 1996) Brass sieve bowl Brass ¥354.80
9.0 ES 06 F 1B 9.5g / pc. TR 55 x 2 für Gewinde R 1" - R 11/4" Replacement filter 1.4301 ¥125.84
10.0 ES 06 F 1/2 A 7.1g / pc. TR 45 x 2 for thread R 1/2" - R 3/4" Replacement filter 1.4301 ¥80.08
11.0 D 06 FA 1B 75g / pc. TR 55 x 2 für Gewinde R 1" - R 11/4" Valve replacement kit ¥606.40
12.0 D 06 FA 11/2 200g / pc. TR 75 x 2 for thread R 1 1/2" - R 2" Valve replacement kit ¥683.52
13.0 SK 06 T 1A 95g / pc. TR 65 x 2 for thread R 1" (to 1991) - R 11/4" (to 1996) Brass sieve bowl transparent ¥145.92
14.0 SM 06 T 11/2 650g / pc. TR 75 x 2 for thread R 1 1/2" - R 2" Brass sieve bowl Brass ¥472.56
15.0 D 06 FA 1/2 40g / pc. TR 45 x 2 for thread R 1/2" - R 3/4" Valve replacement kit ¥445.52
16.0 SK 06 T 1/2 32g / pc. TR 45 x 2 for thread R 1/2" - R 3/4" Brass sieve bowl transparent ¥113.12
Replacement parts for filter pressure regulator for drinking water

Catalogue page Pneumatic Atlas 8 (Page 564) Technical documentation
All technical data are to be understood as non-binding reference values. prices given plus VAT
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