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序號 產品編號 名稱 Weight Description DN [mm] Connection size Design 售價 訂購數量
1.0 5.451-16-20A 800g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 31 47.6 (1") SFS (45°) ¥801.68
2.0 5.470-16A 550g / pc. SAE flange. standard model series 3000 PSI 25 44.5 (1") SFL (90°) ¥531.84
3.0 5.420-32A 1.6kg / pc. SAE flange. standard model series 3000 PSI 51 71.4 (2") SFL (straight) ¥1085.60
4.0 5.422-12A 370g / pc. SAE-Flange. 9000 PSI. H=14.2 19 41.3 (3/4") SFC (straight) ¥661.68
5.0 5.089-20A 1.2kg / pc. Sealing cap with union nut and O-ring. fits on 24° sockets DIN 2353. heavy model series 31 M 52 x 2 (38 S) DKO-S (90°) ¥1146.00
6.0 5.451-12-16A 490g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 25 41.3 (3/4") SFS (45°) ¥562.08
7.0 5.421-32A 2.2kg / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 51 79.4 (2") SFS (straight) ¥1982.40
8.0 5.421-24-20A 950g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 31 63.5 (1 1/2") SFS (straight) ¥885.20
9.0 5.470-12A 330g / pc. SAE flange. standard model series 3000 PSI 19 38.1 (3/4") SFL (90°) ¥369.76
10.0 544-32A 1.1kg / pc. Ferrule for 4 SH hoses (EN 856) for fitting with tear-off protection 51 83.5 x 107.0 (Da x L) 4 SH sleeve ¥839.36
11.0 5.420-24A 950g / pc. SAE flange. standard model series 3000 PSI 38 60.3 (1 1/2") SFL (straight) ¥725.44
12.0 5.180-12A 250g / pc. 24° male thread for bite ring joint DIN 2353. heavy model series 19 M 36 x 2 (25 S) CES (straight) ¥275.36
13.0 5.451-20A 850g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 31 54.0 (1 1/4") SFS (45°) ¥972.64
14.0 5.420-12A 260g / pc. SAE flange. standard model series 3000 PSI 19 38.1 (3/4") SFL (straight) ¥250.24
15.0 544-24A 550g / pc. Ferrule for 4 SH hoses (EN 856) for fitting with tear-off protection 38 64.3 x 94.0 (Da x L) 4 SH sleeve ¥521.20
16.0 5.421-20-16A 600g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 25 54.0 (1 1/4") SFS (straight) ¥515.28
17.0 5.471-20-24A 1.2kg / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 38 54.0 (1 1/4") SFS (90°) ¥1082.16
18.0 5.472-20A 1kg / pc. SAE-Flange. 9000 PSI. H=14.2 31 54.0 (1 1/4") SFC (90°) ¥1600.32
19.0 5.243-16A 700g / pc. BSP sealing cap 60° with O-ring and union nut (G-thread) 25 G 1" DKOR (90°) ¥805.28
20.0 5.471-16A 650g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 25 47.6 (1") SFS (90°) ¥571.04
21.0 5.421-20A 800g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 31 54.0 (1 1/4") SFS (straight) ¥869.76
22.0 5.452-16A 650g / pc. SAE-Flange. 9000 PSI. H=14.2 25 47.6 (1") SFC (45°) ¥1084.72
23.0 5.233-12A 390g / pc. BSP sealing cap 60° with O-ring and union nut (G-thread) 19 G 3/4" DKOR (45°) ¥394.48
24.0 5.421-12-16A 430g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 25 41.3 (3/4") SFS (straight) ¥458.16
25.0 5.081-16A 550g / pc. Sealing cap with union nut and O-ring. fits on 24° sockets DIN 2353. heavy model series 25 M 42 x 2 (30 S) DKO-S (straight) ¥445.04
26.0 5.452-12A 390g / pc. SAE-Flange. 9000 PSI. H=14.2 19 41.3 (3/4") SFC (45°) ¥808.56
27.0 5.085-16A 650g / pc. Sealing cap with union nut and O-ring. fits on 24° sockets DIN 2353. heavy model series 25 M 42 x 2 (30 S) DKO-S (45°) ¥665.44
28.0 5.451-24A 1.3kg / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 38 63.5 (1 1/2") SFS (45°) ¥1321.20
29.0 5.081-20-24A 1.000g / pc. Sealing cap with union nut and O-ring. fits on 24° sockets DIN 2353. heavy model series 38 M 52 x 2 (38 S) DKO-S (straight) ¥995.12
30.0 5.470-20A 900g / pc. SAE flange. standard model series 3000 PSI 31 50.8 (1 1/4") SFL (90°) ¥772.56
31.0 5.451-16-12A 420g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 19 47.6 (1") SFS (45°) ¥510.88
32.0 544-12A 150g / pc. Ferrule for 4 SH hoses (EN 856) for fitting with tear-off protection 19 40.0 x 51.4 (Da x L) 4 SH sleeve ¥122.80
33.0 5.421-16-20A 700g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 31 47.6 (1") SFS (straight) ¥715.68
34.0 5.452-24A 1.3kg / pc. SAE-Flange. 9000 PSI. H=14.2 38 63.5 (1 1/2") SFC (45°) ¥2458.40
35.0 5.203-20A 800g / pc. BSP sealing cap 60° with O-ring and union nut (G-thread) 31 G 1 1/4" DKOR (straight) ¥841.36
36.0 5.089-10-12A 420g / pc. Sealing cap with union nut and O-ring. fits on 24° sockets DIN 2353. heavy model series 19 M 30 x 2 (20 S) DKO-S (90°) ¥428.64
37.0 5.451-16A 550g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 25 47.6 (1") SFS (45°) ¥571.04
38.0 5.085-10-12A 370g / pc. Sealing cap with union nut and O-ring. fits on 24° sockets DIN 2353. heavy model series 19 M 30 x 2 (20 S) DKO-S (45°) ¥428.64
39.0 5.081-20A 800g / pc. Sealing cap with union nut and O-ring. fits on 24° sockets DIN 2353. heavy model series 31 M 52 x 2 (38 S) DKO-S (straight) ¥565.68
40.0 5.471-20A 1.000g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 31 54.0 (1 1/4") SFS (90°) ¥972.64
41.0 5.450-12A 290g / pc. SAE flange. standard model series 3000 PSI 19 38.1 (3/4") SFL (45°) ¥369.76
42.0 5.451-20-16A 650g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 25 54.0 (1 1/4") SFS (45°) ¥689.52
43.0 5.081-10-12A 280g / pc. Sealing cap with union nut and O-ring. fits on 24° sockets DIN 2353. heavy model series 19 M 30 x 2 (20 S) DKO-S (straight) ¥293.36
44.0 5.451-12A 340g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 19 41.3 (3/4") SFS (45°) ¥490.80
45.0 5.472-16A 700g / pc. SAE-Flange. 9000 PSI. H=14.2 25 47.6 (1") SFC (90°) ¥1084.72
46.0 5.450-32A 1.8kg / pc. SAE flange. standard model series 3000 PSI 51 71.4 (2") SFL (45°) ¥1806.80
47.0 5.421-20-24A 950g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 38 54.0 (1 1/4") SFS (straight) ¥822.08
48.0 5.085-20A 1.1kg / pc. Sealing cap with union nut and O-ring. fits on 24° sockets DIN 2353. heavy model series 31 M 52 x 2 (38 S) DKO-S (45°) ¥1146.00
49.0 5.085-12A 400g / pc. Sealing cap with union nut and O-ring. fits on 24° sockets DIN 2353. heavy model series 19 M 36 x 2 (25 S) DKO-S (45°) ¥445.04
50.0 5.471-16-20A 900g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 31 47.6 (1") SFS (90°) ¥801.68
51.0 5.081-12-16A 440g / pc. Sealing cap with union nut and O-ring. fits on 24° sockets DIN 2353. heavy model series 25 M 36 x 2 (25 S) DKO-S (straight) ¥436.16
52.0 5.471-16-12A 470g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 19 47.6 (1") SFS (90°) ¥510.88
53.0 5.089-12A 440g / pc. Sealing cap with union nut and O-ring. fits on 24° sockets DIN 2353. heavy model series 19 M 36 x 2 (25 S) DKO-S (90°) ¥445.04
54.0 5.422-24A 1.1kg / pc. SAE-Flange. 9000 PSI. H=14.2 38 63.5 (1 1/2") SFC (straight) ¥1630.32
55.0 5.471-32A 3.3kg / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 51 79.4 (2") SFS (90°) ¥2671.68
56.0 5.472-24A 1.5kg / pc. SAE-Flange. 9000 PSI. H=14.2 38 63.5 (1 1/2") SFC (90°) ¥2458.40
57.0 5.450-16A 470g / pc. SAE flange. standard model series 3000 PSI 25 44.5 (1") SFL (45°) ¥531.84
58.0 5.471-20-16A 700g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 25 54.0 (1 1/4") SFS (90°) ¥689.52
59.0 5.472-12A 330g / pc. SAE-Flange. 9000 PSI. H=14.2 19 41.3 (3/4") SFC (90°) ¥808.56
60.0 5.452-20A 950g / pc. SAE-Flange. 9000 PSI. H=14.2 31 54.0 (1 1/4") SFC (45°) ¥1600.32
61.0 544-16A 250g / pc. Ferrule for 4 SH hoses (EN 856) for fitting with tear-off protection 25 48.0 x 64.5 (Da x L) 4 SH sleeve ¥205.68
62.0 5.450-24A 1.1kg / pc. SAE flange. standard model series 3000 PSI 38 60.3 (1 1/2") SFL (45°) ¥1308.96
63.0 5.180-16A 430g / pc. 24° male thread for bite ring joint DIN 2353. heavy model series 25 M 42 x 2 (30 S) CES (straight) ¥445.04
64.0 5.243-20A 1.2kg / pc. BSP sealing cap 60° with O-ring and union nut (G-thread) 31 G 1 1/4" DKOR (90°) ¥1309.04
65.0 5.470-24A 1.3kg / pc. SAE flange. standard model series 3000 PSI 38 60.3 (1 1/2") SFL (90°) ¥1308.96
66.0 5.203-16A 480g / pc. BSP sealing cap 60° with O-ring and union nut (G-thread) 25 G 1" DKOR (straight) ¥439.36
67.0 5.450-20A 750g / pc. SAE flange. standard model series 3000 PSI 31 50.8 (1 1/4") SFL (45°) ¥772.56
68.0 5.422-16A 550g / pc. SAE-Flange. 9000 PSI. H=14.2 25 47.7 (1") SFC (straight) ¥774.88
69.0 5.089-16A 750g / pc. Sealing cap with union nut and O-ring. fits on 24° sockets DIN 2353. heavy model series 25 M 42 x 2 (30 S) DKO-S (90°) ¥665.44
70.0 5.471-12-16A 550g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 25 41.3 (3/4") SFS (90°) ¥562.08
71.0 5.420-16A 460g / pc. SAE flange. standard model series 3000 PSI 25 44.5 (1") SFL (straight) ¥444.88
72.0 5.451-32A 2.7kg / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 51 79.4 (2") SFS (45°) ¥2671.68
73.0 5.471-12A 390g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 19 41.3 (3/4") SFS (90°) ¥490.80
74.0 5.243-12A 440g / pc. BSP sealing cap 60° with O-ring and union nut (G-thread) 19 G 3/4" DKOR (90°) ¥394.48
75.0 5.203-12A 250g / pc. BSP sealing cap 60° with O-ring and union nut (G-thread) 19 G 3/4" DKOR (straight) ¥232.96
76.0 5.089-12-16A 750g / pc. Sealing cap with union nut and O-ring. fits on 24° sockets DIN 2353. heavy model series 25 M 36 x 2 (25 S) DKO-S (90°) ¥623.04
77.0 5.420-20A 700g / pc. SAE flange. standard model series 3000 PSI 31 50.8 (1 1/4") SFL (straight) ¥532.08
78.0 5.471-24A 1.5kg / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 38 63.5 (1 1/2") SFS (90°) ¥1321.20
79.0 5.421-12A 330g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 19 41.3 (3/4") SFS (straight) ¥458.16
80.0 5.470-32A 2.2kg / pc. SAE flange. standard model series 3000 PSI 51 71.4 (2") SFL (90°) ¥1806.80
81.0 5.180-20A 750g / pc. 24° male thread for bite ring joint DIN 2353. heavy model series 31 M 52 x 2 (38 S) CES (straight) ¥691.76
82.0 5.471-24-20A 1.2kg / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 31 63.5 (1 1/2") SFS (90°) ¥1116.48
83.0 5.421-16A 500g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 25 47.6 (1") SFS (straight) ¥515.28
84.0 5.233-20A 1.1kg / pc. BSP sealing cap 60° with O-ring and union nut (G-thread) 31 G 1 1/4" DKOR (45°) ¥1309.04
85.0 5.081-12A 310g / pc. Sealing cap with union nut and O-ring. fits on 24° sockets DIN 2353. heavy model series 19 M 36 x 2 (25 S) DKO-S (straight) ¥311.68
86.0 5.421-24A 1.1kg / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 38 63.5 (1 1/2") SFS (straight) ¥1175.68
87.0 544-20A 420g / pc. Ferrule for 4 SH hoses (EN 856) for fitting with tear-off protection 31 57.0 x 84.0 (Da x L) 4 SH sleeve ¥353.12
88.0 5.422-20A 800g / pc. SAE-Flange. 9000 PSI. H=14.2 31 54.0 (1 1/4") SFC (straight) ¥1062.64
89.0 5.233-16A 650g / pc. BSP sealing cap 60° with O-ring and union nut (G-thread) 25 G 1" DKOR (45°) ¥805.28
90.0 5.421-16-12A 410g / pc. SAE flange. high-pressure model series 6000 PSI 19 47.6 (1") SFS (straight) ¥458.16
Crimped fittings for 4 SH hoses with tear-off protection PLUS (with inner skiving of the hose)
These crimped fittings with tear-off protection are developed specially for the 4 SH-hose. The 4 SH-hose should be skived not only externally but also internally. When compressing, a "metallic bond" is created between the fitting and the hose and this exposes the hose equipped with fittings to the maximum pressure load. The advantage of this combination is, amongst others, the use of a flexible 4-spiral hose or a 4-SH hose instead of a "rigid" 6-spiral hose.
Warning: The hose must also be skived inside!
Catalogue page Pneumatic Atlas 8 (Page 417) Suitable accessories:
  • 4 SH super maximum pressure hoses, EN 856

  • All technical data are to be understood as non-binding reference values. prices given plus VAT
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