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序號 產品編號 名稱 Weight Text, with danger signs if required Type [mm] 售價 訂購數量
1.0 RLKZ 15-EG-02G 2.6g / pc. Natural gas (GHS02 danger)** 15 x 100 ¥47.84
2.0 RLKZ 37-SU 15g / pc. Oxygen (O)* 37 x 270 ¥152.56
3.0 RLKZ 26-SU 7.7g / pc. Oxygen (O)* 26 x 187 ¥109.76
4.0 RLKZ 37-SU-03G - Oxygen (GHS03 danger)** 37 x 270 ¥152.56
5.0 RLKZ 37-LA-05G - Alkali (GHS05 danger)** 37 x 270 ¥152.56
6.0 RLKZ 37-BW 15g / pc. Process water 37 x 270 ¥152.56
7.0 RLKZ 26-BW 8.3g / pc. Process water 26 x 187 ¥109.76
8.0 RLKZ 26-GA 7.7g / pc. gas 26 x 187 ¥109.76
9.0 RLKZ 15-SU-03G 2.6g / pc. Oxygen (GHS03 danger)** 15 x 100 ¥47.84
10.0 RLKZ 26-SA XN 7.9g / pc. Acid (Xn)* 26 x 187 ¥252.00
11.0 RLKZ 26-HR 7.6g / pc. Heating return flow 26 x 187 ¥109.76
12.0 RLKZ 26-DA 7.9g / pc. steam 26 x 187 ¥109.76
13.0 RLKZ 37-PL 16g / pc. Compressed air 37 x 270 ¥152.56
14.0 RLKZ 15-HO 2.7g / pc. Heating oil (Xn. N)* 15 x 100 ¥47.84
15.0 RLKZ 37-HO-03G-09A - Heating oil (GHS03 danger/09 warning)** 37 x 270 ¥152.56
16.0 RLKZ 15-HR 2.7g / pc. Heating return flow 15 x 100 ¥47.84
17.0 RLKZ 26-EG 7.6g / pc. Natural gas (F+)* 26 x 187 ¥109.76
18.0 RLKZ 26-WA 7.6g / pc. Water 26 x 187 ¥109.76
19.0 RLKZ 15-PL 2.6g / pc. Compressed air 15 x 100 ¥47.84
20.0 RLKZ 15-SA-05G 2.6g / pc. Acid (GHS05 danger)** 15 x 100 ¥47.84
21.0 RLKZ 15-ST 2.6g / pc. Nitrogen 15 x 100 ¥47.84
22.0 RLKZ 26-SA 7.7g / pc. Acid (C)* 26 x 187 ¥109.76
23.0 RLKZ 15-HV 2.5g / pc. Heating flow 15 x 100 ¥47.84
24.0 RLKZ 37-EG 16g / pc. Natural gas (F+)* 37 x 270 ¥152.56
25.0 RLKZ 37-DA 16g / pc. steam 37 x 270 ¥152.56
26.0 RLKZ 37-ST 16g / pc. Nitrogen 37 x 270 ¥152.56
27.0 RLKZ 15-LA-05G 2.6g / pc. Alkali (GHS05 danger)** 15 x 100 ¥47.84
28.0 RLKZ 37-EG-02G 16g / pc. Natural gas (GHS02 danger)** 37 x 270 ¥152.56
29.0 RLKZ 26-EG-02G 8.2g / pc. Natural gas (GHS02 danger)** 26 x 187 ¥121.68
30.0 RLKZ 37-DL 16g / pc. Compressed air 37 x 270 ¥152.56
31.0 RLKZ 26-HO 7.6g / pc. Heating oil (Xn. N)* 26 x 187 ¥109.76
32.0 RLKZ 37-GA 15g / pc. gas 37 x 270 ¥152.56
33.0 RLKZ 15-DA 2.6g / pc. steam 15 x 100 ¥47.84
34.0 RLKZ 15-BW 2.6g / pc. Process water 15 x 100 ¥47.84
35.0 RLKZ 15-GA 2.6g / pc. gas 15 x 100 ¥47.84
36.0 RLKZ 15-SA XN 2.7g / pc. Acid (Xn)* 15 x 100 ¥95.36
37.0 RLKZ 37-WA 15g / pc. Water 37 x 270 ¥152.56
38.0 RLKZ 26-HO-03G-09A 7.7g / pc. Heating oil (GHS03 danger/09 warning)** 26 x 187 ¥121.68
39.0 RLKZ 26-LA-05G 7.7g / pc. Alkali (GHS05 danger)** 26 x 187 ¥121.68
40.0 RLKZ 37-HR 16g / pc. Heating return flow 37 x 270 ¥152.56
41.0 RLKZ 15-EG 2.6g / pc. Natural gas (F+)* 15 x 100 ¥47.84
42.0 RLKZ 26-SU-03G - Oxygen (GHS03 danger)** 26 x 187 ¥121.68
43.0 RLKZ 26-SA-05G - Acid (GHS05 danger)** 26 x 187 ¥121.68
44.0 RLKZ 15-WA 2.5g / pc. Water 15 x 100 ¥47.84
45.0 RLKZ 15-DL 2.8g / pc. Compressed air 15 x 100 ¥47.84
46.0 RLKZ 15-SU 2.6g / pc. Oxygen (O)* 15 x 100 ¥47.84
47.0 RLKZ 26-HV 7.6g / pc. Heating flow 26 x 187 ¥109.76
48.0 RLKZ 26-ST 8.3g / pc. Nitrogen 26 x 187 ¥109.76
49.0 RLKZ 15-HO-03G-09A 2.5g / pc. Heating oil (GHS03 danger/09 warning)** 15 x 100 ¥47.84
50.0 RLKZ 15-SA 2.7g / pc. Acid (C)* 15 x 100 ¥47.84
51.0 RLKZ 37-HV 16g / pc. Heating flow 37 x 270 ¥152.56
52.0 RLKZ 26-PL 7.6g / pc. Compressed air 26 x 187 ¥109.76
53.0 RLKZ 26-LA 7.6g / pc. Alkali (C)* 26 x 187 ¥109.76
54.0 RLKZ 37-SA-05G - Acid (GHS05 danger)** 37 x 270 ¥152.56
55.0 RLKZ 37-SA 16g / pc. Acid (C)* 37 x 270 ¥152.56
56.0 RLKZ 15-LA 2.6g / pc. Alkali (C)* 15 x 100 ¥47.84
57.0 RLKZ 26-DL 7.7g / pc. Compressed air 26 x 187 ¥109.76
58.0 RLKZ 37-LA 15g / pc. Alkali (C)* 37 x 270 ¥152.56
59.0 RLKZ 37-HO 15g / pc. Heating oil (Xn. N)* 37 x 270 ¥152.56
Tube identifications (double arrow), DIN 2403 / GHS

Properties: self-adhesive film with excellent adhesion to many surfaces. Resistant to weathering, acids and alkalis, UV-resistant printing.
Temperature resistance: for a short time -35°C to max. +130°C
Suitable: The tube identifications are supplied on a sheet of paper for every 5 pieces. Depending on the direction of flow, an arrowhead is cut using scissors.
Optional: random text "-Desired text" (if necessary hazard symbol)
*according to DIN 2403, **according to GHS
Catalogue page Pneumatic Atlas 8 (Page 1027)
All technical data are to be understood as non-binding reference values. prices given plus VAT
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