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序號 產品編號 名稱 Weight Description Fixture time* [sek] Temperature range [°C] Packing [g] application Alternatively Loxeal** 售價 訂購數量
1.0 480/500 600g / pc. Black. impact-resistant instant adhesive. For metal / metal and metal / rubber bonding. Excellent shear and impact-resistance. 20 - 50 up to +100 500 for metals and plastics SK 29/500 ¥4596.72
2.0 401/5 20g / pc. Universal instant adhesive. Bonds the widest variety of material composites. including porous (plastics. elastomers. metals. paper. cardboard. wood). Approval for foodstuff P1 NSF. 3 - 10 up to +120 5 universal - ¥54.64
3.0 454/3 14g / pc. Universal instant adhesive-gel for bonding metals. other bonding materials. wood. cork. foamed materials. leather. cardboard. paper and ceramics. Recommended for application on vertical surfaces or for overhead work. Approval for foodstuff P1 NSF. 5 - 10 up to +120 3 Universal. Gel - ¥41.76
4.0 480/20 34g / pc. Black. impact-resistant instant adhesive. For metal / metal and metal / rubber bonding. Excellent shear and impact-resistance. 20 - 50 up to +100 20 for metals and plastics SK 29/20 ¥313.36
5.0 406/500 - Quick adhesion of rubbers (including EPDM). plastics and elastomers. In combination with the primer 7239/4. even plastics with poor adherence properties such as viton or PP adhere to each other. 2 - 10 up to +120 500 for plastics and elastomers SK 32/500 ¥3394.88
6.0 496/500 - Colourless universal adhesive. especially for the adhesion of metallic materials. but also suitable rubber and plastic materials. 20 - 60 up to +110 500 for metals - ¥3044.32
7.0 4850/20 33g / pc. 3 - 10 up to +80 20 for flexible materials - ¥313.36
8.0 3090/10 45g / pc. For use with gaps of up to 5 mm or with surplus adhesive (for use. where a good visual appearance and minimal blooming is required). for porous materials such as wood. paper. leather. cork and textiles. 90 - 150 up to +80 10 Gel for gaps of up to 5 mm - ¥223.12
9.0 401/3 14g / pc. Universal instant adhesive. Bonds the widest variety of material composites. including porous (plastics. elastomers. metals. paper. cardboard. wood). Approval for foodstuff P1 NSF. 3 - 10 up to +120 3 universal - ¥37.84
10.0 454/20 33g / pc. Universal instant adhesive-gel for bonding metals. other bonding materials. wood. cork. foamed materials. leather. cardboard. paper and ceramics. Recommended for application on vertical surfaces or for overhead work. Approval for foodstuff P1 NSF. 5 - 10 up to +120 20 Universal. Gel SK 47/20 ¥265.36
11.0 401/50 70g / pc. Universal instant adhesive. Bonds the widest variety of material composites. including porous (plastics. elastomers. metals. paper. cardboard. wood). Approval for foodstuff P1 NSF. 3 - 10 up to +120 50 universal SK 43/50 ¥376.32
12.0 401/500 - Universal instant adhesive. Bonds the widest variety of material composites. including porous (plastics. elastomers. metals. paper. cardboard. wood). Approval for foodstuff P1 NSF. 3 - 10 up to +120 500 universal SK 43/500 ¥2965.68
13.0 401/20 33g / pc. Universal instant adhesive. Bonds the widest variety of material composites. including porous (plastics. elastomers. metals. paper. cardboard. wood). Approval for foodstuff P1 NSF. 3 - 10 up to +120 20 universal SK 43/20 ¥202.88
14.0 496/100 - Colourless universal adhesive. especially for the adhesion of metallic materials. but also suitable rubber and plastic materials. 20 - 60 up to +110 100 for metals - ¥694.24
15.0 4850/500 600g / pc. 3 - 10 up to +80 500 for flexible materials - ¥4596.72
16.0 496/50 70g / pc. Colourless universal adhesive. especially for the adhesion of metallic materials. but also suitable rubber and plastic materials. 20 - 60 up to +110 50 for metals - ¥379.12
17.0 496/20 34g / pc. Colourless universal adhesive. especially for the adhesion of metallic materials. but also suitable rubber and plastic materials. 20 - 60 up to +110 20 for metals - ¥201.52
Adhesives with instant adhesive, LOCTITE

*average value at 22°C, **similar properties to the Loctite type
Catalogue page Pneumatic Atlas 8 (Page 920)
All technical data are to be understood as non-binding reference values. prices given plus VAT
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