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序號 產品編號 名稱 Weight a [mm] Connection D x S [mm] Version Material 售價 訂購數量
1.0 T139,726GA4 3.5kg / pc. 124 139.7 x 2.6 welded ¥1894.96
2.0 T76,129GA6 1.3kg / pc. 76 76.1 x 2.9 welded ¥1006.56
3.0 T88,923GA6 1.6kg / pc. 86 88.9 x 2.3 welded ¥1015.04
4.0 T33,726A6 280g / pc. 38 33.7 x 2.6 seamless ¥655.68
5.0 T114,326GA4 2.3kg / pc. 105 114.3 x 2.6 welded ¥1372.56
6.0 T48,326GA6 600g / pc. 57 48.3 x 2.6 welded ¥536.08
7.0 T168,326GA4 4.9kg / pc. 143 168.3 x 2.6 welded ¥2166.80
8.0 T26,920A6 130g / pc. 29 26.9 x 2.0 seamless ¥446.40
9.0 T168,345A6 7kg / pc. 143 168.3 x 4.5 seamless ¥6212.00
10.0 T168,330GA6 6kg / pc. 143 168.3 x 3.0 welded ¥2943.04
11.0 T21,329A4 95g / pc. 25 21.3 x 2.9 seamless ¥386.00
12.0 T48,320A6 500g / pc. 57 48.3 x 2.0 seamless ¥743.68
13.0 T21,320A4 95g / pc. 25 21.3 x 2.0 seamless ¥432.40
14.0 T76,129A4 1.3kg / pc. 76 76.1 x 2.9 seamless ¥1267.44
15.0 T48,329A4 650g / pc. 57 48.3 x 2.9 seamless ¥661.92
16.0 T88,932A4 1.9kg / pc. 86 88.9 x 3.2 seamless ¥1535.12
17.0 T88,923GA4 1.4kg / pc. 86 88.9 x 2.3 welded ¥962.64
18.0 T60,329A6 850g / pc. 64 60.3 x 2.9 seamless ¥995.76
19.0 T48,336A4 800g / pc. 57 48.3 x 3.6 seamless ¥842.72
20.0 T26,923ST 145g / pc. 29 26.9 x 2.3 seamless ¥246.80
21.0 T42,420A6 400g / pc. 48 42.4 x 2.0 seamless ¥879.52
22.0 T60,320A4 750g / pc. 64 60.3 x 2.0 seamless ¥810.08
23.0 T168,326GA6 4.4kg / pc. 143 168.3 x 2.6 welded ¥2305.20
24.0 T48,320GA6 550g / pc. 57 48.3 x 2.0 welded ¥543.84
25.0 T60,329GA6 950g / pc. 64 60.3 x 2.9 welded ¥763.60
26.0 T76,123GA6 1kg / pc. 76 76.1 x 2.3 welded ¥1150.56
27.0 T21,320ST 85g / pc. 25 21.3 x 2.0 seamless ¥215.28
28.0 T219,130GA4 - 178 219.1 x 3.0 welded ¥3755.12
29.0 T17,223A6 55g / pc. 20 17 x 2.3 seamless ¥466.32
30.0 T26,920GA4 155g / pc. 29 26.9 x 2.0 welded ¥342.08
31.0 T42,426GA6 470g / pc. 48 42.4 x 2.6 welded ¥515.60
32.0 T42,420GA6 390g / pc. 48 42.4 x 2.0 welded ¥445.12
33.0 T60,326GA4 800g / pc. 64 60.3 x 2.6 welded ¥471.52
34.0 T219,163ST - 178 219.1 x 3.0 seamless ¥3234.56
35.0 T48,326A4 550g / pc. 57 48.3 x 2.6 seamless ¥603.36
36.0 T60,329GA4 850g / pc. 64 60.3 x 2.9 welded ¥679.76
37.0 T42,420GA4 360g / pc. 48 42.4 x 2.0 welded ¥416.40
38.0 T33,720GA6 230g / pc. 38 33.7 x 2.0 welded ¥438.32
39.0 T21,320GA6 80g / pc. 25 21.3 x 2.0 welded ¥358.72
40.0 T219,130GA6 - 178 219.1 x 3.0 welded ¥3916.24
41.0 T26,923A4 140g / pc. 29 26.9 x 2.3 seamless ¥404.80
42.0 T21,320A6 105g / pc. 25 21.3 x 2.0 seamless ¥511.68
43.0 T168,330GA4 6kg / pc. 143 168.3 x 3.0 welded ¥2785.76
44.0 T48,326A6 600g / pc. 57 48.3 x 2.6 seamless ¥729.04
45.0 T168,345ST 8kg / pc. 143 168.3 x 4.5 seamless ¥1799.12
46.0 T33,726ST 260g / pc. 38 33.7 x 2.6 seamless ¥260.48
47.0 T76,123GA4 1.1kg / pc. 76 76.1 x 2.3 welded ¥627.20
48.0 T114,330GA6 2.8kg / pc. 105 114.3 x 3.0 welded ¥1534.32
49.0 T42,420A4 390g / pc. 48 42.4 x 2.0 seamless ¥805.52
50.0 T48,326ST 600g / pc. 57 48.3 x 2.6 seamless ¥305.20
51.0 T88,930GA6 1.9kg / pc. 86 88.9 x 3.0 welded ¥1176.72
52.0 T33,726GA6 300g / pc. 38 33.7 x 2.6 welded ¥470.80
53.0 T21,320GA4 85g / pc. 25 21.3 x 2.0 welded ¥296.72
54.0 T1215GA6 ** 27g / pc. 35 12 x 1.5 welded ¥377.60
55.0 T114,336ST 2.9kg / pc. 105 114.3 x 3.6 seamless ¥884.08
56.0 T1515GA6 40g / pc. 19 15 x 1.5 welded ¥1010.96
57.0 T76,129GA4 1.5kg / pc. 76 76.1 x 2.9 welded ¥931.44
58.0 T48,326GA4 600g / pc. 57 48.3 x 2.6 welded ¥382.56
59.0 T42,426A4 550g / pc. 48 42.4 x 2.6 seamless ¥744.64
60.0 T26,920GA6 140g / pc. 29 26.9 x 2.0 welded ¥358.40
61.0 T60,329ST 900g / pc. 64 60.3 x 2.9 seamless ¥316.32
62.0 T33,720GA4 250g / pc. 38 33.7 x 2.0 welded ¥403.20
63.0 T33,720A6 210g / pc. 38 33.7 x 2.0 seamless ¥495.60
64.0 T26,929A6 170g / pc. 29 26.9 x 2.9 seamless ¥586.96
65.0 T48,320A4 600g / pc. 57 48.3 x 2.0 seamless ¥680.88
66.0 T60,320GA4 750g / pc. 64 60.3 x 2.0 welded ¥575.44
67.0 T21,329A6 120g / pc. 25 21.3 x 2.9 seamless ¥434.48
68.0 T114,336A4 - 105 114.3 x 3.6 seamless ¥2411.36
69.0 T139,730GA6 - 124 139.7 x 3.0 welded ¥2074.64
70.0 T48,329A6 650g / pc. 57 48.3 x 2.9 seamless ¥747.60
71.0 T219,163A6 - 178 219.1 x 6.3 seamless ¥22604.80
72.0 T33,720A4 240g / pc. 38 33.7 x 2.0 seamless ¥476.88
73.0 T60,320A6 700g / pc. 64 60.3 x 2.0 seamless ¥896.80
74.0 T139,740A6 4.6kg / pc. 124 139.7 x 4.0 seamless ¥4609.04
75.0 T33,726GA4 300g / pc. 38 33.7 x 2.6 welded ¥439.92
76.0 T76,125GA4 1.1kg / pc. 76 76.1 x 2.5 welded ¥812.40
77.0 T114,326GA6 2.3kg / pc. 105 114.3 x 2.6 welded ¥1487.36
78.0 T26,923A6 145g / pc. 29 26.9 x 2.3 seamless ¥418.40
79.0 T139,726GA6 3.5kg / pc. 124 139.7 x 2.6 welded ¥1962.64
80.0 T114,330GA4 3kg / pc. 105 114.3 x 3.0 welded ¥1463.52
81.0 T60,326GA6 750g / pc. 64 60.3 x 2.6 welded ¥692.48
82.0 T88,932A6 1.9kg / pc. 86 88.9 x 3.2 seamless ¥2766.80
83.0 T88,932ST 2kg / pc. 86 88.9 x 3.2 seamless ¥681.92
84.0 T26,929A4 170g / pc. 29 26.9 x 2.9 seamless ¥535.36
85.0 T76,129ST 1.3kg / pc. 76 76.1 x 2.9 seamless ¥435.20
86.0 T42,426A6 410g / pc. 48 42.4 x 2.6 seamless ¥773.28
87.0 T48,320GA4 550g / pc. 57 48.3 x 2.0 welded ¥487.44
88.0 T42,426GA4 470g / pc. 48 42.4 x 2.6 welded ¥470.16
89.0 T42,426ST 450g / pc. 48 42.4 x 2.6 seamless ¥269.36
90.0 T42,429A4 470g / pc. 48 42.4 x 2.9 seamless ¥756.56
91.0 T42,429A6 480g / pc. 48 42.4 x 2.9 seamless ¥668.64
92.0 T60,329A4 950g / pc. 64 60.3 x 2.9 seamless ¥913.60
93.0 T88,925GA4 1.6kg / pc. 86 88.9 x 2.5 welded ¥1039.36
94.0 T114,336A6 2.8kg / pc. 105 114.3 x 3.6 seamless ¥2024.56
95.0 T33,726A4 270g / pc. 38 33.7 x 2.6 seamless ¥615.36
96.0 T76,125GA6 1.2kg / pc. 76 76.1 x 2.5 welded ¥914.32
97.0 T139,740A4 - 124 139.7 x 4.0 seamless ¥3054.32
98.0 T88,925GA6 1.4kg / pc. 86 88.9 x 2.5 welded ¥1099.92
99.0 T219,163A4 - 178 219.1 x 6.3 seamless ¥17669.84
100.0 T139,740ST 5kg / pc. 124 139.7 x 4.0 seamless ¥1489.68
101.0 T76,129A6 1.3kg / pc. 76 76.1 x 2.9 seamless ¥1357.60
102.0 T48,336A6 800g / pc. 57 48.3 x 3.6 seamless ¥1342.64
103.0 T139,730GA4 - 124 139.7 x 3.0 welded ¥2017.84
104.0 T168,345A4 - 143 168.3 x 4.5 seamless ¥4296.64
105.0 T60,320GA6 700g / pc. 64 60.3 x 2.0 welded ¥646.32
106.0 T88,930GA4 1.6kg / pc. 86 88.9 x 3.0 welded ¥1242.08
T-pieces with same outlet, EN 10253 type A (DIN 2615)

*standard delivery program, **DIN 11852
Catalogue page Pneumatic Atlas 8 (Page 376) Suitable accessories:
  • Stainless steel pipe lines - welded, DIN EN ISO 1127
  • welding protection spray, silicone-free

  • All technical data are to be understood as non-binding reference values. prices given plus VAT
    Click here in order to show prices with VAT included.
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